

What Was Different?




What was different about today\’s long ride?

After I had been home from today\’s ride (50 miles) for about two hours, the orthostatic hypotension set in. Last Sunday I didn\’t have trouble with it; and I wondered what was different about today.

A glance a my ride log gave a hint, to put it mildly. Last Sunday I rode only 29 miles. The previous Sunday I had done a 50-miler; and I did have \”OH\” afterwards.

There ought to be something I can do to make a difference for long rides and after, so I don\’t get that annoying dizziness when I stand up. Should I drink more during the ride? Do I need to eat more? That is, if my stomach can take it. For the last 12 miles or so of today\’s ride, my stomach felt rather uncomfortable. Was I eating too much?

Maybe I can take along dill pickle juice? It\’s possible to buy shots of the stuff, but I\’m disinclined to spend my money on it for regular use. GU-Gels are enough expense!

Salt tablets? At home, yes; but I don\’t know how my system might react to them during vigorous exercise. After all, salt attracts fluid; and I don\’t need to have it drawing blood from my legs; heart; and brain to my stomach while I\’m working on my endurance.

On the way home I had an annoying headwind, which made me feel slow and weak. As it turned out, I was a hair faster today than I was Sunday before last. So there\’s the silver lining in the cloud!