

What Day Is This

What Day Is This?

What day is this? I keep thinking that it’s Saturday, because I went to the salvage store; but today is Thursday!

It’s funny how such a small thing can throw off my sense of time. But when I checked the NOAA 7-day forecast yesterday afternoon, I saw that tomorrow through Monday looked quite stormy. Ergo I decided to go to the store today. I don’t want to be up there on the levee in a T-storm!

Yesterday morning I rode at 5:00 am so I could see the full moon over the river. It was worth getting up at 4:30 am! The moon was low enough in the sky that I could see the reflection of the moon, instead of only moonlight on the water. That happens only a few times per year; so when I see it, it’s something special.

Getting back to the weather, it’s been clouding up since about noon. Tomorrow the T-storms might begin about three o’clock in the morning. So if you’re determined to ride — but it’s pouring — what do you do?

In warm weather, maybe just go out there and ride, even if it means getting soaked. During heavy rain,  the wind can get quite strong and gusty; and a flapping poncho makes bike control harder. From that point of view, it’s better not to have the poncho. With a windblown poncho you’ll still get wet, anyhow.

In cold weather, you might want to consider using a rain suit. So far I haven’t tried one; but one of these days, maybe I will.

I keep thinking that the Sunday long ride is tomorrow; but it isn’t. So what day is it, anyway?