

What a Drag!

\"dragYes, it\’s really a drag. Yet again, things are looking uncertain for tomorrow morning\’s ride and, in fact, for Thursday\’s as well.

The forecast is for rain and even T-storms. That really isn\’t surprising, considering that it\’s unseasonably warm for February. As I type this, it\’s 72 degrees! No wonder people used to use the term \”weather breeder\”.

Today I didn\’t ride to work. I needed to pick up something at the drug store this evening; and if I ride straight there from work, I\’ll have that heavily-loaded bike trunk to deal with. That, like iffy weather forecasts, is a drag. If I go home first, I\’m too liable to want to stay there.

So, after work I hiked over to the store. A block or two before I could get there, it began misting a bit. By the time I got out of the store, there was a light drizzle. I donned the poncho and walked home. Since I got here, it\’s gradually raining harder.

I\’ve wished often enough that I could \”read\” the weather. It would be handy if I\’m out on a long ride, and forgot to check the forecast beforehand.

We\’ll see what happens, but it doesn\’t sound so good. Just before I left work, someone was telling that schools were cancelling classes. It would be nice if I didn\’t have to go to work — because it can be a real drag.