

Wet and Wild

Wet and Wild

Singin’ in the Rain? (With apologies to Gene Kelly)

Wet and Wild — not!

As expected, it was raining this morning. The temperature was in the low 60s. It wasn’t raining particularly hard; but it still wouldn’t have been pleasant for a bicycle ride. So I’m glad I rode yesterday.

No alarm clock this morning! I was very tired, and didn’t even get up until 9 am; very late for me. As I wasn’t trying to get out the door and onto the saddle, I did other things that too often get pushed aside.

Cooking, for instance; although nothing à la Feed Zone. I made what I call “squashed sauce”; chopped squash (zucchini today), onions, and garlic cooked in canned tomatoes. I also threw in about a cupful of red enchilada sauce that I had in the fridge, and that needed to be used up.

While the sauce was cooking, I washed out my new cycling shorts and a pair of leg warmers. After that I had to sally forth to pick up a refill from the drug store.

I would have liked to ride the hybrid over there, just to get some movement into my legs; but the strip mall where the store is located is situated between two streets that flood when it rains. Thus I walked to the store. Sure enough, both streets were awash.

Now, at 1 pm, the rain seems to be over. It’s still overcast, though, so I can’t be certain. There isn’t much wind, so it’s not exactly wet and wild, is it?