

Watered Down

Watered Down?

Proper hydration is important; but you don’t want to get watered down. It’s actually possible to drink too much water; and that can lead to hyponatremia.

So while a Camel-Bak is great to have for any long ride — especially in this heat — it’s important to take along electrolyte drink, too. Even when it’s not hot, after I’ve been riding an hour, plain H-2-O stops working. No matter how much I drink, I’m still thirsty. My stomach starts to feel uncomfortable, too, with all that fluid squelching around inside. Who needs an upset stomach on top of being too hot?

An electrolyte drink is what you need then. I’ve tried a number of such beverages: Nuun and BioSteel among them. GU-Gels contain sodium; but here’s the catch: those things make me thirsty! I’ve also heard that downing too many energy gels can cause gastric upset. Not fun.

Speaking of watered down, what do you do when you get caught in the rain while riding? Some riders look for a place to wait out the shower; others keep plodding on. I generally opt for the latter course of action. Around here, there’s no telling whether rain will stop in 15 minutes; or continue for hours!