



Are MTB shoes really so walkable?

True, they\’re easier to walk in than roadie shoes. MTB shoes\’ cleats are at least partially recessed; and that helps. But \”walkable\” bike shoes seems to mean the walking done at pit stops; or at rest stations during long rides. But my bike shoes certainly don\’t do well when I have to walk a mile in them; and that does happen now and then.

Today I took the road bike in to the shop. The rear tire seemed to have a slow leak; and when I thought about it, I realized it was probably time to replace those tires. I work from home on Thursdays; so I clocked in half an hour early and took a long lunch break, so I could ride the bicycle to the shop.

I didn\’t expect to have to leave my bike there; but they said it would be about an hour until they could take care of it. That left me no choice but to leave the bike at the shop and walk home, wearing my bike shoes!

The soles of even MTB shoes are quite rigid; and those cleats do make contact with the walking surface. Cement sidewalk surfaces can\’t be very good for the cleats, and I felt like my feet might slip at any moment. Another problem is that I recently developed arthritis in the base joint of my left big toe; and those stiff soles don\’t help the joint to feel better.

As much as I could, I walked on the softer surface beside the sidewalk; and was I ever glad it wasn\’t raining! About 1 pm the shop called and said my bike was ready; so tomorrow I can get it. But I\’ll wear sneakers to the shop; they\’re walkable!