


Voila! There it is, at last!

My apologies to anyone who\’s been trying to access this web site for the last 5-7 hours, and found it a confusing mess. I was doing a lot of tinkering. My pages were very long; and I was trying to rearrange them long into shorter ones. Not to go into tedious detail, that took quite a bit of doing.

But it seems to be working now; hence the celebratory pyrotechnics! I\’ve got to keep my guard up, though, because there are sure to be some kinks still in it! In fact, there are bound to be more \”Voila moments\”, when those snags pop up out of nowhere.

Now that I\’ve got the Pages settled — for the time being, anyway — I can give more attention to Blogs. Composing posts usually isn\’t hard as long as I can think of something to blog about; but there will be spells of writer\’s block, for sure.

My day-by-day rides won\’t always invoke interesting ideas; and I don\’t always see anything exciting or unusual when I\’m out on the bike. I can write about various aspects or training/cycling/nutrition; but only to give what I\’ve learned from reading. I\’m not an expert.

Oh, well. We\’ll see how it goes!