

Not Jousting

\"unseatedI\’m lucky I\’m not jousting: I\’ve been unseated!

A while back, the upper part of the cover of my hybrid\’s saddle began to separate from the rest of the cover. I tried patching it with duct tape, but the tape rubbed agains my thighs as I rode. I also knew that, in this humid climate, it wouldn\’t be very long before the tape got gummy.

So, off to the bike shop for a new saddle. It must be a cousin to my road bike\’s old saddle; it\’s a Selle.

It seemed quite comfortable, but the very day that I bought it, I tripped over something after I got home. In keeping myself from falling, I pulled a hamstring. I would rather have fallen and skinned up both knees!

It hurt to ride; it hurt to walk. Even minimal, very easy riding hurt that muscle. Pressure against the seat of a chair when sitting hurt it, too.

So there I was, out of the saddle for at least a few days. For a day or two I didn\’t ride at all. Then I began riding to work, slow and easy. I hope I don\’t stay unseated like this for too long!

On October 7, I began a two-week vacation. The next day, I tried a gingerly ride on the road bike. Again, I had to keep it slow and easy, and rode barely over two miles. That\’s better than nothing at all, but I\’m eager to be back in the saddle for my usual riding. As I said before, I\’m lucky I\’m not jousting.