


unseasonable glasses hot humid

Our weather is most unseasonable. For several days, the high temperature has reached about 80 degrees; and my apartment gets so stuffy and hot that I need to turn on the air conditioner!

For the past three mornings there was dense fog; and tonight it’s supposed to go down to 58 degrees. That’s more like it for February.

Yesterday morning when I was riding, my glasses got so misty that I had to take them off so I could see; and I didn\’t quite dare to try speed work of any sort. The visibility was simply too poor.

Visibility in here hasn\’t been so great, either. The light fixture is for three bulbs; and for some time, two of them have been burnt out. I have high ceilings; and need to climb up on the step ladder to change light bulbs. But the ladder often has clothes hanging from the cross-braces to dry.

Well, last weekend I didn\’t try to do any washing. The old James washer is falling apart; and I decided to get an electric washer.

Compact, and great for small living spaces!

It looks like I\’ll still be able to save the water for, er, \”flushing\”; and as I\’m having more and more trouble with my hands, a hand-powered washer might not be practical for much longer. I got plenty of use out of \”Jim-Jim\”, though!

The weekend isn\’t looking too unseasonable: lows in the 50s. I\’ll need leg warmers; but not slacks over them. It looks like I\’ll be able to ride to the salvage store on Saturday; and Sunday I think I\’ll shoot for about 45 miles. I just hope the 30% chance of showers doesn\’t mean I\’ll get wet.