We hear about \”unify attention\” all the time; and especially when it comes to eating and weight control. They advise us, don\’t eat while you\’re reading/blogging/watching TV, etc. It\’s good advice in theory; but it isn\’t always practical.
This morning I got back from my ride later than usual. It wasn\’t that I started late; but the headwind on the way back home made if feel as thought I might not get back home! It wasn\’t even a particularly strong wind; but it was dead on my nose, and it slowed me down big time.
It was already past 6:30 when I at last did get home; and I ate bites of breakfast in between getting out of my cycling clothes, and getting dressed to go to work!
As to \”unify attention\” — riding a bicycle is a multi-tasker\’s dream! First, there\’s the leg movement; and then there\’s balance. Then you have to hold a more or less straight line as you ride (I\’m not the champion at that, I\’ll admit!). If you\’re working on intervals; and don\’t rely on a bicycle computer
to keep track of time for you; there\’s yet another task! Oh, and let\’s not forget eating on the bike!
Getting back to that straight line, it\’s harder for me when I\’ve got a headwind; especially when I need to ride one-handed to get a drink. This morning I had to stop several times when I wanted some water, simply because that headwind made bike control so difficult.
The wind is supposed to drop overnight; but it will be a few degrees colder than it was last night. It\’s kind of hard to unify attention when you\’re distracted by how cold it is!