We\’ve been under cloudy skies here for several days. It keeps things from getting so hot, of course, but a constantly gray sky is a little depressing, too. It\’s a good thing I can listen to a cheerful march or two.
This morning it wasn\’t raining, but the wind was quite stiff. Riding against it made my legs feel stiff! More rain is likely over the next two or three days, so I\’ll have to ride under cloudy skies for a while longer.
Thankfully, we were spared the heavy rain of Beta. So far. Beta has crawled ashore over the Texas coast, and is now moving ENE. If it doesn\’t degenerate soon, I guess we aren\’t completely in the clear yet.
Hurricane Teddy is aiming for Nova Scotia. Paulette regenerated herself; a rare occurrence, but it can happen.
We\’ve had a windy few days. Yesterday I went to the park to ride because it was both blowing pretty hard and raining. I didn\’t dare to ride as fast as I wanted, because it was hard to see.
I\’m not sure anti-fog spray would have helped. I tried something like that years ago, and the stuff fumed off and made my eyes burn. Besides, it was raining; not foggy.
When I ride in the rain, and have to go in to work on-site afterwards; what do I do about socks? During rainy spells I typically end up with extra pairs of socks in the laundry. Yesterday after my ride, I decided not to change into dry socks. I had to get to work, and that would have meant a second pair of wet socks.
I\’m looking forward to seeing the sun again, but I hope it starts to get cooler. If we\’re tired of clouds and rain, we\’re also tired of heat!