

Tired Again

Tired Again!

I got tired again this morning; tired as in another flat tire!

For some reason I’ve had an unusual number of flats lately. I very much suspect that the local road work has something to do with it. Getting to the bike path means riding over rough surfaces. There are probably bits of trash; and so on. Tire liners don’t seem to be helping as much as usual.

I guess I ran over something that got lodged in my rear tire. Nothing seemed to be wrong, until my legs suddenly seemed to lose all strength.

I was working at pushing myself to 15-16 mph for 4-5 minutes at a time; and trying to get my heart rate up. Then, as I said, my legs gave out; and it didn’t feel like bonking. Right about then I dropped my water bottle; and had to stop and pick it up. Then I noticed the flat. Tired again!

I was still at least three miles from home; and didn’t have time to walk that far. So I got back on the bike; and slow-rode the rest of the way. It added a good 20 minutes to my time!

With that bone spur in my hand, fixing a flat is painful at best; so I had to visit the bike shop. The sky looked rather threatening; and I decided to walk the bike both to the shop; and back home. Sometimes I simply can’t stomach the thought of riding in the rain!