

Things Don\’t Add Up

Sometimes things don\’t add up.

As a rule, I do my weekend long ride on Sunday. This weekend, however, I did it on Saturday, because this coming Saturday is Tour de Cure.

As a result, yesterday kept feeling like Sunday; and today doesn\’t feel like Sunday at all! Normally I do my grocery run on Saturday; but this weekend I did it on Sunday because I rode long yesterday. The entire weekend has felt topsy-turvy as a result.

I\’ve been working hard on my web site (www.spokeasy.net) for at least a week, incorporating slide shows into its main pages. Thus my web site has been topsy-turvy, too. Today I was checking the slides for My Story, and did I ever find some goofs! On one of them I had left off one of the buttons; and I discovered that I had put the incorrect URL link on at least one button, etc. Then I keep going back over it all, to be sure I didn\’t miss anything.

The same goes for the rest of the site. When things don\’t add up, I have to fix them.