
The Numbers Are In!


The numbers are in! Between my two bicycles I rode 5185 miles during 2018; and my total time is 437:28:09.

Sure, there are riders out there who accomplished far more. Some riders put in several times the mileage; and my own accomplishments pale in comparison. But seeing what I can do is exciting.

In fact, so see whether I could is why I did my century rides. I guess I\’m a bit like the Little Engine. First I did a century with the tricycle; and what a long, hard, cold day that was! Later, I put in two centuries with the hybrid; and finally I did one with the road bike

Admittedly the road bike century didn\’t end so well, although I was pleased with a pedaling time of under 8 hours. July isn\’t the best time for a 100-mile ride when you can\’t escape the hot sun. I think I got dehydrated; and next time I try, I hope for a better outcome.

When the numbers are in, how did your riding go in 2018? I hope you had a lot of fun! Best wishes for a great 2019 full of riding!