Don\’t we all take the ball and run with it sometimes?
You could say I did it with the Hoppin\’ John recipe; and indeed, I\’m losing count of the variations I\’ve come up with.
I\’ve tried it with different legumes; and different cheeses. Usually I use brown rice for this; but I also tried it with quinoa; and I also tried a wild-rice blend. Maybe sometime I\’ll try a vegetable other than canned tomatoes. in fact, I think I did use chopped raw cabbage one time. Omigosh, this is starting to sound like garbage soup!
I want to do some cooking over the weekend; and I\’ve got to \”christen\” my new washer. This is a four-day weekend because of Mardi Gras; and I\’ll have more time than usual.
Yesterday morning there was another dense fog advisory, but I didn\’t ride on the levee; and saw little fog away from the river. I went to the supermarket for fresh produce; and tomorrow I want to get to the salvage store. I\’m so hooked on that place that, after not visiting it for two weeks, I\’m developing withdrawal symptoms!
But we were talking about take the ball; and here I am discussing cooking! Don\’t they say that cyclists are rather prone to tight hip muscles? One remedy for that is using a tennis ball to roll out those muscles. It doesn\’t sound comfortable; and so far I haven\’t tried it.
Oh, and we talk about being \”on the ball\” when we\’re especially alert; and \”having a ball\” when we\’re enjoying ourselves!
Blinded by the Blogs
I think I\’m blinded by the blogs. Some two weeks ago, this site\’s home page suddenly went wonky; but I was always so busy with composing posts that I didn\’t think too much of it. A day or two ago it finally sank in; but I seem to have gotten the issue resolved now. So I can take the ball (i.e. blogging) and run with it again!
The weather this morning was very different from the hour-by-hour forecast I checked last night. It was about 10 degrees cooler than predicted; and the wind was considerably stronger. It was sprinkling when I went out to ride; and I decided to go ride laps around the park. The rain stopped after a half-hour or so; but it was still pretty raw out there. And our groundhog said Winter was over? That critter had better think again.
At noon today it still chilly. It was only 55 degrees; and the wind was cold. Overcast skies didn’t do anything to warm us up. And we’re sweltering compared to some parts of the country!