


Survival of the fittest. Surviving Monday at work. It\’s uphill work, isn\’t it?

Getting through a long Sunday ride seems like a matter of mere survival when I\’ve got a strong headwind, and I\’m getting tired. Weekday morning rides are about merely surviving the miles when it\’s cold and windy; and don\’t get me started about foggy mornings!

Keeping the prediabetes diet going often seems like barely hanging on day after day. Planning meals and snacks day by day is sometimes tedious. I\’ve also noticed that, what seems like a lot of food on paper, often isn\’t enough!

This is a bigger problem on days when I have to work on site. I often get hungry between meals; and I run out of the snacks I brought to work with me. Then I\’m too likely to turn to high-carb junk! Today, in fact, I lost it big time.

What can I eat that will fill out my calorie needs, but is 1) not high in carbs; 2) not high in fat; and 3) low in cholesterol? Not to mention inexpensive.

If this is so hard when I work on site three days a week, what will it be like when the pandemic is over; and I have to work on site all week? Preparing all these lunches is time-consuming; it\’s tiresome lugging so much food along; and if I buy lunch, it\’s much harder for me to keep my eating plan under control.

Today I took a crack at survival without buying a Diet Coke at work. I drank a small one before I left home; and took along green tea to drink at work. It didn\’t provide the caffeine kick I\’m used to. Survival in this case didn\’t last until 9 am!