

Step by Step

\"stepStep by step is the way to take it; whether trekking through the Outback, or racking up the cycling miles. I thought this article was amusing; but I\’m not quite sure where I\’d place myself on that scale.

I\’m most certainly not a First Time Cyclist. After almost nine years of regular riding, I\’ve racked up 41,000+ miles. I don\’t think I\’m a Beginner, either, despite my average speed still hanging around 13-14 mph much of the time.

So am I an Amateur cyclist? Proper cyclist? Maybe Avid? How many years of regular riding does it take to make a  Seasoned Cyclist? Do I really need to be at the point where a 75-mile ride is \”short\”? Can I hurry the process by eating a lot of curry, pepper,  cinnamon, etc.? (Ha-ha. Bad joke).

One day I might be able to figure it out. Meanwhile, I\’ll just ride on; and take it one step at a time..