

It sure is steamy out there today! It was like a sauna, even before sunup.\"steamySometimes we start getting weather like this as early as March; and it can persist well into November. 

I often wish I lived where it weren\’t so humid; and where there were four well-defined seasons. Spring and Fall typically are fleeting here; and the Summer heat and humidity are liable to set in abruptly; and without much of a warm-up into it. Then it\’s steamy for what seems like forever. It makes me long for a cooling vest; especially on those afternoons when the heat index creeps over 100 degrees. Even the short ride home from work seems brutal on such days.

Similarly, cold weather is likely to arrive without much of a cool-down. One day it will be close to 90 degrees; and overnight it drops to 45 degrees! During Spring and Fall we got a lot of such fluctuations; and people complain that you never know how to dress.

If I want to ride in our sauna-season, however, I simply have to go out into the steam bath; and bide my time until cooler weather makes riding a little more pleasant. Unfortunately that won\’t be for at least two more months!