

Stabilizer Wheel Kit

Stabilizer Wheel Kit

This Stabilizer Wheel Kit can be a great help to riders who have balance issues; but who don’t want an adult trike. A physical impairment doesn’t have to mean missing the joys of cycling!

This set-up had an advantage over an adult trike: it can fit through most doorways. The adult trike that I had could not; and I had to leave the poor thing outdoors.

The Stabilizer Wheel Kit is easy to install; however, installation by a qualified dealer is recommended. This stabilizer is strong; and fits most bikes with 24″-27″/61cm-68.6 cm tires.

I never thought of using one of these while I was getting the hang of two wheels. To me, “training wheels” would have meant a longer learning curve! But if I need balance assistance later in life, this is something to keep in mind. There are some possible drawbacks, though.

It looks to me as if this stabilizer leaves no space for panniers; and that’s bad news for me. I need those “saddle bags” when  it’s time to bring home the groceries. I’m also not sure that  the tongue of a trailer can fit around the stabilizer. I need that trailer when it’ s big-load time!

Adding this stabilizer to a bike that you already have might be more cost-effective than buying a trike. In these days of inflation, that’s definitely worth considering!