I had rather a splurge today.
I couldn\’t be sure the salvage store will be open on Saturday, because that\’s New Year\’s Day; so I went this morning. As I cruised the aisles, I found a canister of Zone Perfect protein powder.
The price tag was nearly $27, which is hair-raisingly expensive for the salvage store; but I got it anyway. I know I\’ll use it in due course; and I like to try new things for my recovery drinks.
Today I didn\’t take the trailer; and I wish I had. The store had those huge, 48-roll packs of bathroom tissue; and if I\’d had the trailer, I could have bought one! I don\’t suppose it\’s any use going back to the store, because those packs are probably all sold out by now.
Again, the grab-bag bins were a disappointment. They were nearly empty; but I got some goodies from other parts of the store. Not that I need them; I already had candy on hand!
For lunch, I had another splurge. I rode over to the neighborhood Chinese restaurant to get take-out — or should I say, bike-out? — for my lunch. When I get Chinese food, I usually choose something with chicken in it; but today I decided to be different and tried Hunan Beef. I got the lunch combination, so I could have fried rice and an egg roll, too.
Hunan Beef has several large pieces of green bell pepper in it; and I discarded them. I still do not like green bell pepper. Otherwise, it was good.
Now I think I\’ll stay put for the rest of the day. My legs need a break; and who know when it might start to rain. The forecast doesn\’t predict any precipitation before tonight; but you just never know!