

Spinning Out

Spinning Out 🌪️

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“Spinning out” sounds to me like a Mahler compositional device (listen here between about 5:58-6:07 minutes); not a rapid-fire cadence in the face of a headwind.

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How much does crank length have to do with cadence? From personal experience, I can’t say; but it does seem logical to assume that a longer crank takes more time to complete one round.

Today, happily, I didn’t need to do much spinning out. The wind was 10 mph, W to NW; and much of the time it seemed to be coming from an oblique angle. It usually wasn’t a tailwind; but not a headwind, either. I averaged 11.26 mph over 19.6 miles; and for me, thats not bad.

My average cadence was 73, which is a bit on the “masher” side; but that’s OK. I read somewhere that your optimal cadence depends on many factors, among them muscle-fiber composition and even, possibly, your age.

Weekend Outlook 👀

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The weekend outlook isn’t bad: sunny, and the wind about 10 mph. I’ll be glad to get to the salvage store tomorrow. Last Saturday I started out, panniers and all, only to be slammed by a such a strong gust of wind that I turned back.

Come Sunday, I want to do a long ride — maybe I’m ready for 25 miles now? Let’s hope the weekend lookout doesn’t change by then!