


I need a spendcation!

At least, I think that\’s what they call it: a specified period of time during which no money is spent, except for absolute necessities. I\’m shocked to see that I spent over $100 in various grocery stores since last Thursday; some $10 of it for totally unnecessary Diet Coke!

OK, the sodas I do not need; but what about the rest of it? I need fruits and vegetables for a proper diet; and yogurt provides some protein. I don\’t eat much meat, so I need to get protein from somewhere; and I don\’t think that unstinting use of protein powders is the solution. Yesterday at Whole Foods I got enough bulk-bin nuts to last quite a while; so I probably won\’t buy any more for some time. (I can always find excuses, right?)

I caved in and went to the salvage store this morning; and I took the trailer. As part of a spendcation, I need to keep myself out of that place! I got canned beans; and I found almond/coconut milk. I found jars of olives! The store still had Laughing Cow Lite, and I stocked up on it.

The allure of the grab-bag bins held sway; and I found assorted bars that will make good ride food. Of course (and alas!) I got some candy bars, and packs of M&Ms. They\’re now stashed in the back of the fridge, where they\’re out of plain sight. With the weather starting to warm up, I\’ll need to keep anything chocolate in the fridge, anyhow.

I got quite a decent haul this morning; and I got in a good bicycle ride to boot. But to help make this spendcation successful, I think I\’d better plan a jaunt on the road bike for next Saturday!