

Some Days You\’re Off


Some days you\’re off, no matter how much you\’ve got bicycles on your mind. I sure was off today — WAY off!

Whenever I took a drink, I had a lot of trouble getting the water bottle back into its cage; and while struggling with it, I wavered all over the bike path! I\’m sure it doesn\’t help that I\’ve been slack about my off-bike exercises for a long time; and my core and arms are losing their conditioning.

Even when I wasn\’t struggling with the water bottle, I had trouble riding in a more-or-less straight line. Maybe going for an extra ride yesterday morning wasn\’t a wise idea; I feel like I\’m getting over-tired.

When it comes to food, some days you\’re off; and I\’m no exception. I didn\’t want to cook this evening. At all! Last night I forgot to wash the pot and steamer basket that I used to cook broccoli; and this morning there wasn\’t time to wash the pot I used to heat refried beans. Who likes to wash dishes, and immediately afterwards prepare a meal? And dishes in the sink and on the counter complicate meal prep!

I mixed some skim milk and protein powder, and gulped it down; washed the pots; and then, sadly, I ate some candy. Falling off the \”diet wagon\” is another sign that I\’m letting myself get over-tired.

It\’s lucky the full moon was yesterday. This morning the moon was visible; but thin, high clouds made it hazy. It got quite cloudy today; and when I left work, the wind was 15 mph. It looks like it could be like that early tomorrow. My legs don\’t like to think of it; but the April Love to Ride Challenge isn\’t over yet, and I don\’t want to slack off.

So, what to do?

An obvious solution is to ride short and easy tomorrow morning, then ramp it up again Thursday. On the other hand, rain chances will be greater both Thursday and Friday; and I want to make the trek to Whole Foods on Friday. Ergo I\’d rather put in more time and miles tomorrow.

So, what to do? I\’ll see how my legs feel in the morning; and take it from there. Just remember, some days you\’re off.