

Small Things Matter

Small Things Matter

Small things matter. For example, pennies, which many seem to despise these days, add up. So I save mine!

Small things come into play during bicycle rides. Sometimes it means when I make my turnaround. This can make the difference between getting caught by a train at a railroad crossing; or having time to safely get over the tracks.

Today, when I went out, there was a freight train idling perhaps a half-block short of the crossing. When I came back over an hour later, the train was still there; but less than two minutes later, as I reached my front gate, that locomotive horn began to blow. If I had ridden even a quarter-mile farther, I would have had to wait for the train. 

On the way home, I stopped for a minute to watch a ship on the river. The flag on the stern staff was fluttering around too much for me to get a really good look at it; but I noted the ship’s name. After I was home, I googled it; and found that the ship was from the Marshall Islands.

Today I didn’t make deliberate efforts to go hard; but I did have a headwind on the way home. Same old story, that! In fact, it was blowing at some 15 mph. I’m now home with the problem of completing my packing for next week’s move.

I’ve got some things that are awkwardly sized and/or shaped for boxes. There are small things that I use so much that it doesn’t make sense to pack them just yet. A few times I’ve even wished I hadn’t stowed away this or that into a box — and taped the box shut. It shows me how much small things matter.

I may be able to get into the new place the day before my planned move; and that would be great! I can measure the floor space; and decide where I want to put my furniture. Then I can start bringing in small items. That will mean numerous short trips using hybrid and trailer — but as long as I can do it, I’m getting a head start!