

skywatching T-storm rain flood lightning
I hope things don’t get this bad!

I’m skywatching again; and I don’t mean stargazing. It’s going to rain tonight, they say; and it could be heavy. In fact, we’re under a flood watch until 10:00 am tomorrow!

The weekend might be OK. Rain chances are highest in the afternoons; and I do my riding/errand running in the morning. I want to head for the salvage store on Saturday; and how nice it will be if I find some FitCrunch bars in the grab bag bins!

FitCrunch Chip
Another favorite for long-ride fuel

Tomorrow morning doesn’t look good. The forecast is for T-storms, right at the time I normally go out for my morning ride; and for that matter, the rest of the week doesn’t look good. Forget about going for broke and trying for that 100-mile ride day after tomorrow. There’s a 30% chance of showers and T-storms; and that’s bit too high of a risk for me.

On top of that, I’m simply too tired to try for a century right now. My web site work is keeping me up too late; and I’m tired all the time. My nutrition is suffering as well; and I’m eating far too much junk food. I’m sure it’s wreaking havoc on my A1c levels!

So I need to get back on track; and riding ought to help. As far as tomorrow goes, I can only wait and see what morning brings. Today I was skywatching as I rode; and hoped it wouldn’t start to rain. About five miles from home there were a few drops; but luckily nothing more.

I hope the sky is clear enough Saturday morning for me to see the full moon; but alas! The forecast says, overcast. That really has me downcast!