

Should I or Not?

\"shouldShould I, or not?

 You know those days when you just don\’t feel like riding? Some days you\’re tired; or you didn\’t sleep well. Or you even feel like you might be coming down with something. How do you know whether to ride as usual; take it easy; or to take a day off?

The part of this article headed, \”When Stop Does Not Mean Go\”, is helpful. I keep a printout of it with my weekly ride plan, where can easily refer to it.

There certainly are days when I need to ease up the efforts; even when I planned to ride hard. One day about two weeks ago, I had force-development exercises on the agenda. Maybe I got into a gear that was a bit too hard; or maybe  I was actually too tired for such attempts. It was a \”should I, or not\” moment. I just didn\’t seem to have the legs; so I decided to forget about force and ride for the fun of it.

And what about the training schedule? Another article I read about training says, keep your plan \”etched in clay\” so that you can mold it as needed; it shouldn\’t be \”chiseled in stone\” so that you use it to beat up on yourself. Planned to ride hard today, but it simply isn\’t going? Ease up. There\’s always tomorrow.