Don\’t look for a shortcut. How often do we hear, \”There are no shortcuts\”?
Last night I tried taking a shortcut when I decided to chop some cabbage for this evening\’s supper. It\’s a nuisance to have to cut vegetables when I\’ve just gotten home from work; and I wanted to have that cabbage chopped and ready for sautéing. And what happened? I managed to give myself a nasty cut in the thumb!
I had to suspend operations while I went and put double bandaids over the laceration; and then I had to get the blood spots out of my blouse. It was one of my newer ones; and wouldn\’t you know, it\’s white.
Then it was back to kitchen work; and I think we all know how awkward it is to do anything with one thumb bandaged up! On top of that, the bandaids quickly became soaked through; and that meant changing them. Bandaid adhesive nowadays is pretty strong; and getting the bandaids off meant pulling the cut open again!
Before I got in the shower last night, I went after another kind of shortcut: I gave my hair a short cut. Whenever I start playing barber, I wish I had a three-way mirror. I can\’t see what I\’m doing in the back; and often my back hair on one side comes out shorter than on the other side.
This morning, that cut still bled when I took the bandaids off. I decided I\’d better head for an urgent care clinic; it looked like I needed skin glue at least; or maybe even stitches. And stitches it was! It won\’t be easy keeping that area clean and dry; and I hadn\’t realized how much stress that little spot on my thumb gets. The shortcut isn\’t always so short!