Shady Dealings? 🕶️

Shady dealings are something most people want to avoid. On a bright, sunny day, however, shady dealings are just what we need to protect our eyes.
These Photochromatic Sunglasses change tint automatically, depending on the intensity of the sunlight. That’s great on those days when light conditions are constantly changing! No need to drag along several different sets of lenses; so you can save space. These glasses also protect your eyes from wind; dust; insects; and so on.
My own sunglasses have prescription lenses. I noticed that, when I turned my head from side to side to check for traffic, my eyes seemed to have trouble adjusting their focus; and I thought that I needed “script” sunglasses. Thus I don’t think I’ll be trying these soon. But if you don’t need prescription lenses, Photochromatic Sunglasses sound like a good choice.
Don’t forget that your skin needs protection as well as your eyes. Take along some lip balm and sunblock, too!