
Search Me

Search Me

search me spokeasy blog post reconnaissance

When I was  a kid, “Search me” was used to mean, “I have no idea.” It came to mind today as I was working to add a search box to the SpokEasy Kitchen.

I’m not sure what tool I need; but the one I added to the Blog page won’t do; it’s blog-specific. Visitors might want to look for a recipe using a specific ingredient; for example, black beans. If they look at my recipe list, how will they know that Tardy Turtle uses black beans? They might think that Tardy Turtle is turtle soup!

So for now, there’s a blank spot on the right-hand side of the pic at the top of the SpokEasy Kitchen page. That’s where I want to put the search box. I was working on it with my usual website-building folks, but their close-down time was approaching.; and they aren’t open on weekends. I need to look for a suitable search box over the weekend; and get back with them on Monday.

Meanwhile I want to make my usual Saturday-morning trip to the salvage store. This morning I rode to Whole Foods; but when I got home around 9:00 am, the heat index was already 100 degrees!

I didn’t drink much water during the ride to the store, because I didn’t want to have to visit the restroom while I was there; and of course I was thirsty by the time I was back home. And hot!

It’s not a good idea to start a ride when you’re already hot and thirsty; so I skipped the road bike. Sunday, unfortunately, isn’t looking good weather-wise; there’s a high chance for T-storms. Gee, where’s that lightning rod? Search me.