

Scaling Back


YIKES!!! I sincerely hope that none of us weighs anywhere near this much. If so, some very serious scaling back would be required. Scaling back on what we eat, that is.

Like so many people nowadays, I have a certain amount of concern with my weight. About 15 lbs of concern, and that\’s a lot when you\’re 60\” tall and have a small frame.

There are oodles of books and other materials already out there about weight loss, so we hardly need to have me add my voice to the clamor. Besides, I couldn\’t say anything that we don\’t all know already.

Some of my gain in the past 18 months or so is the result of my overly-zealous taste-testing of the various cereal bars I found at the salvage store. I\’m virtually always ready to go for anything sweet, whether I\’m hungry or not.

Thanks to a sleep disorder, I\’m always somewhat tired. It\’s also been my experience that, once my stomach begins to growl, a major crash is imminent. Thus I\’ve become afraid that I\’ll get hungry. That\’s no help.

When I get home from work, I often don\’t want to prepare a meal because I want and need to get to work on my web site. There\’s always something that needs tweaking, or even downright fixing.

I need to be more careful to keep raw carrots cleaned and ready to eat, and do more cooking over the weekend so I won\’t have to cook during the week. My food intake really does need some scaling back.