

Say What

Say What?

Say what? Is that my knee complaining? Do I hear my muscles  screaming?

Listen to your body, they say. Learn to tell the difference between well-worked muscles; and true pain. Pain means something isn’t right; and pushing through it might lead to serious problems.

I’m far from being a pro cyclist, with a team of medical advisors on tap. So when my legs feel tired; achy; and sore — what do I do? Is it OK to keep riding as usual? Do I merely need to stay off the big ring for a bit; or should I take a day off?

My masseuse is a foam roller; and I haven’t used it in months. Maybe it’s time I hauled it out again. My leg muscles have been feeling rather tired; and this morning I said, Say What? and skipped the road bike.

I wasn’t too sure about the weather, anyhow. I heard thunder; and of course I thought a T-storm breaking out. If that were the case, I didn’t want to be out in it.  But maybe what I heard was a storm’s last gasp. There was no more thunder; and it didn’t rain.

Not then, anyhow; but about 2:15 pm we got a heavy downpour. I’m glad it happened in mid-afternoon, and not while I was riding home from work!

According to the forecast, rain chances this weekend are highest in the afternoon; and I hope that’s accurate. I’ll have to skip the salvage store tomorrow in favor of the supermarket. I need produce; I want hummus; and I need yogurt. But I might do a short spin on the road bike after I’m home from the store, before it gets too terribly hot. Then Sunday is long ride day!