


Sometimes it seems like I\’m never satisfied. That, in fact, seems to be the human condition!

For weeks the forecasts constantly predicted showers and T-storms. I was weary of packing along the poncho anywhere and everywhere I went; and tired of wondering whether the weather would mean I couldn\’t ride. Or, worse, that I might get caught out in a storm. The endless edge of anxiety was getting to me; but if there was an upside to it all, it\’s that the constant overcast kept us from getting as hot as usual.

There were a lot of muddy spots after so much rain; and of course I griped about that. I don\’t like carrying a muddy-tired bicycle indoors; but I\’m not going to leave my bikes outside! Even if a bicycle cover does a great job of protecting the bicycle from the elements, the bike is still a potential target for thieves. I\’d be extremely UN-satisfied if either of my bikes were stolen!

Then, last Thursday, we finally had a really sunny day. I enjoyed being able to ride to and from work without the threat of a downpour; but no overcast meant I had the sun in my eyes on the way to work! Of course I didn\’t like that; another thing to complain about!

All that sunshine of course meant that it got much hotter; and the afternoon heat index exceeded 100 degrees! There was even a heat advisory in effect; and I had to ride home through that heat. There I go griping again — as I said, I\’m never satisfied!

Incidentally, temperatures like this are why I\’m not aiming to tackle a century before October. I don\’t have the conditioning to ride for hours in triple-digit heat!