
Ride Notes

\"rideNow for some ride notes: I did fifty-one miles today!

As all too often happens, I had a headwind on the way back home; and most of the time I was on the small ring, using a low gear and rapid cadence.

Today the wind wasn\’t quite as strong as it was last Sunday: 9 mph instead of 11. Maybe that\’s why I felt stronger. I certainly averaged more than three quarters of a mile per hour faster?

Thus it seems to bode well for Tour de Cure. Naturally I hope for a day with no wind; and I hope even more for a day without rain. The various routes for the local event have finally been posted. It looks like the 60-mile one (it\’s posted as 60 miles, not 63) is very similar to my usual Sunday long ride. It goes maybe 5 miles beyond my usual turnaround point; but I\’m sure I can manage an extra 9-10 miles.

As a general rule, during these weekly long rides I have a bite to eat every 15 minutes. On the way back home today, at about 38-39 miles, I began to feel really weary. What a temptation that was to slow down and take it easy! I decided I might be running low on fuel; so I ate three or four bites. Sure enough, very soon I began to feel better.

End of ride notes.

That\’s why keeping yourself fueled during long rides is so important. Incidentally, I\’d better go eat lunch; then wash my cycling clothes.