



It feels like a rererun, aka re-rerun, every time June 1 rolls around. To be precise, it’s the beginning of hurricane season!

Now we’re in for six months of anxiously watching the tropics; and hoping we’re spared this year. I’m not sure where I’d go if I decided to relocate; but I know I wouldn’t mind being out of the immediate reach of hurricanes.

I put aside some of my store of canned goods, in case I’m caught short if a storm threatens; and I want to get some protein bars.  I also want to start buying gallon jugs of drinking water. A big concern for me is what I’ll do if an evacuation is called. It won’t be easy to get out of this city on a bicycle; not even on an e-bike!

I’m glad to be in a lower-story unit, because I’m sheltered from the worst of the sun; but I hope I’m out of reach of street flooding! That, at least, was never a concern in my old neighborhood. But in a hurricane, there might be enough rain to let water get in here, anyway.

Speaking of rererun, that’s what my daily rides sometimes feel like. I have a great path at hand; but using the same one all the time can seem tedious. It’s a great place to ride because there’s minimal motor traffic — a patrol vehicle now and then; and some mini-industries with access roads that cross the levee.

The big problem is wind.  Up there a rider is totally exposed; and I nearly always have a headwind on the way home. That’s a rererun that gets VERY tiresome!