

\"reflexHey, that\’s \”reflex\”; not \”reflection\”. The forecast for tomorrow says, scattered T-storms at 5 am. It look as though it may be a time for a REpeat of FLEXtime. Ergo, reflex.

This morning I didn\’t get to ride. Last night I got to bed rather too late. Then this morning, I shut off the alarm clock and fell asleep again. No surprise there, really.

I would have gone for at least a short ride, but I needed to head out at about 8 am. I had an appointment with the ophthalmology clinic downtown, and had to take public transit. Today\’s forecast was also a rainy one, and I wanted to get downtown before the skies opened up if I could.

With the reduced motor traffic, riding my hybrid down there may well have been possible. There was a major catch, however. An eye exam means dilating drops, so they can examine my optic nerve. The effects of those drops never fully wears off until the following day. Even with my sunglasses and an overcast sky, the light bothers my eyes.

I was also concerned about the possibility of heavy rain; justifiably so, as it turned out. The streetcar ran into a downpour that stretched  for several miles. If I had been on a bicycle, that might have been major trouble.

When I at last got home, I tried to do some work. The ophthalmologist hasn\’t said not to look at computer screens, but it sure is uncomfortable. If anything, my personal laptop is brighter than my work computer, so I\’d better finish this blog and shut the thing off for tonight.

And I hope tomorrow doesn\’t have to be reflex.