
Red Letter Day


red letter day zero retire spokeasy blog post

Today is a red letter day: I’m retired! Zero more days to have to go to work!

Goodness knows, I’ve wanted this for a long, long time; and I finally decided to make the jump. No small part of my desire to hit this red letter day, is the various health issues that keep cropping up.

It was a beautiful day, too. When I went out on the road bike this morning, there was little wind. The weather was clear; and I got a great view of the full moon (even the moon was celebrating!) Today stayed a little cooler than I like; but by afternoon it wasn’t really cold.

On the way home, once I hit the bike path, I had a good tailwind to help me get home faster. There was a very long freight train sitting on the tracks; but it had been split so that the crossing I use was clear. That was a major relief!

So, what shall I do with my time now? It actually feels sort of funny to not be going back to work; but I’m sure that will pass. After all, I was in my job for 39 years; and this new normal might take a little getting used to.

I’m looking forward to more riding, once my hand recovers from the surgery. I’ll have more time for my website; and I very much need to get my diet back on track!

I want to ride to the salvage store tomorrow; and I hope the grab-bag bins are well stocked. After tomorrow I might not be able to get there for a month or so; and I want to lay in some good supplies.  Things look iffy for Sunday’s ride; rain or even T-storms are possible from 10:00 am. 

Oh, yeah — if I can’t ride Sunday, there’s Monday. See how used I am to thinking of Monday as back-to-work day?