

Ready for More?

Ready for More? ➕

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How do you know when you’re ready for more? When are you ready for more miles; more intensity; more speed? It doesn’t have to be cyclocross, either.

Today, as I was approaching the end of my ride, I realized that I wanted to keep going. Does that mean that I’m ready to push for 25-mile rides, several times a week? Am I ready for more? If so, it seems that I’ve succeeded in my plan for July; namely, to extend my daily mileages.

August Plan 🗓️

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My August plan certainly includes keeping that cool rag handy! The eighth month of the year is often one of the hottest here; and having my neck cool helps a great deal. In fact, it’s quite spoiled me!

The rest of my August plan is to reduce mileage; but work on greater intensity. My Garmin will help with that, because I can get a direct reading of my heart rate. Perceived exertion, in my humble opinion, isn’t necessarily the same. On a day when I feel tired at the start of a ride, my perceived effort level might be higher than it was the previous day, when I was better rested — even if my actual heart rate is the same or lower.

Part of working on short, fast, hard bursts is easing up a LOT in between efforts. That lets your body recover for the next effort; and it’s something I’ve never been very good at doing. I think I’m too hung up on my overall average speed.

I hope that my August plan won’t have to include dodging hurricanes. At present, the tropics are quiet; but that isn’t necessarily good news. There are four months left of official hurricane season; and the busiest part of the season is approaching.

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I began this website primarily as a way to present the story of how I accomplished a century ride on an adult tricycle. Other riders of adult trikes might want to know whether it’s possible. It sure is! You can read all about it in My Story.

I live in New Orleans; and  retired in January 2023. More time for cycling!

Website designed by Cecile Levert

long time no hundred century ride spokeasy maiden century page green light blog post

© This website is the property of its author.


I am not a cycling coach; nor a health professional. This site is based on my own experiences, opinions, etc. If you need help, please consult the appropriate professional.





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