



RE-Tool? Well, it\’s not spelled that way, but that\’s what it sounds like.

RETÜL  is a  high-tech bike fitting program. Today I went for  re-fit. I thought it might be a good idea because of the tendonitis in my foot.

I don\’t understand all the technology, but now I have a riser in my stem (I think it\’s called) so that I\’m a bit more erect. When the screen showed a rear view of me pedaling, I saw that my right hip was dipping downwards with every stroke. That explains the cramps I get in that hip when I come home from a Sunday long ride and stoop to remove my shoes. And the side view made me realize how shockingly fat I\’ve become!

The technician made some adjustments to my saddle\’s  position, and  said something about my possibly needing a slightly wider one. I tend to sit rather far forward, so maybe I only need to scoot back a little. Trying that certainly will be cheaper than buying a new saddle!

While I was pedaling, I asked whether I was ankling properly. The tech said, don\’t mess with ankling. Everybody\’s different, and everybody needs to do what\’s natural. That includes adjusting the bike to fit the rider; not forcing the rider to fit a bike that isn\’t right.

Riding home, I noticed a slight difference in the way my bike feels. I should be adjusted to it after a few more rides. I\’m not going to go out riding now, though. It\’s about 2 pm,  and the heat index is 102 degrees! I don\’t know of a way to RE-Tool my bicycle to keep my rides air-conditioned.