


\"ratsOh, rats! I\’m really disappointed.

It must be almost a month since I special-ordered a bag of Skratch (with raspberries) from a local bike shop. Yesterday I called and asked whether it had come in yet.

The person I spoke with said, to my dismay, that the raspberry flavor is no longer being made. Rats, shucks, durn it, and so on. I love raspberry; and \”with Raspberries\” was my favorite Skratch.

I have just enough of my old bag of Skratch Raspberry left for one 16-oz bottle of water; and I\’m keeping it for Tour de Cure. Then I must try another flavor. Either that, or stick with Nuun.

I hope it stops raining soon, so I can ride to that bike shop; but rain, thunderstorms, and possible high winds are expected until late morning. I\’d rather not ride outdoors in such conditions; and I\’m glad that TdC is not today. If it were, it would be a miserable ride!