This morning I got railroaded again, you could say.
I rode the hybrid to Whole Foods. As I was leaving home to go to the store, I heard a train\’s horn. It sounded very close, and I figured I wouldn\’t be able to cross the tracks to the bike path. So I took a different route to the store.
On the way back home, I decided to take the longer route; and that meant I had to cross the railroad tracks to reach the bike path. That was a bad move!
I was almost to the crossing when a freight train entered it. The locomotives were hardly well across when another freight train came along, going in the opposite direction. Two trains at once! Talk about getting railroaded; and railroaded again!
It\’s lucky it wasn\’t too chilly, because it took at least 10 minutes for both trains to get past. While I waited, I lost most of the heat I had generated by riding.
Less than halfway home on the bike path, I saw that the first train had stopped. I knew that it was blocking both of the crossings between me and home. I had to turn around and ride back to a crossing that I could use. What a nuisance!
Some days there seem to be more trains than others. Or maybe I simply timed my trip to the store badly, and this was the result. Then again, there are days when everything seems to go wrong.
I\’m glad there wasn\’t a train blocking the crossing yesterday evening. I would have been chawing my fingernails clean back to my elbows with impatience.
Yes, I know; trains are vital for the transport of goods. But that doesn\’t mean that I have to like them.