
Quite the Spendthrift

\"quiteI feel like quite the spendthrift. Today I went to the bike shop to get a new helmet. A helmet, they say, should be replaced every two years even if it seems undamaged; and mine was nearly two years old.

For one thing, there\’s that little dial mechanism at the back of a helmet, which you adjust to secure the helmet to the head. It seemed to be wearing out; I\’d tighten it, and it would slip loose. A helmet needs to be securely in place.

A helmet\’s straps shouldn\’t be too loose, and those straps seem to stretch over time. Don\’t choke yourself, of course! You should be able to slip two fingers under the strap when it\’s fastened.

I always forget my helmet size, so I took along the old one today. It still has all the manufacturer\’s stickers on the inside, and I figured one of them gave the helmet\’s size.

Color? I\’ve drifted away from looking for a blue helmet. I love blue; but have decided that visibility is more important than color per se. Instead I look for white or a bright color. I did not, however, anticipate getting a chartreuse helmet! It\’s a bit gaudy; but as long as people see it, that\’s what matters.

So there goes $50. It might seem expensive; but it\’s far, far cheaper than brain surgery, and possibly being on life support if I\’m in a crash. Call it insurance, if you like.

While I was at the bike shop anyhow, I got a rechargeable tail light for the hybrid. The battery-powered one I\’ve been using seems to need the batteries changed too often. Up front, about$20; but I anticipate long-term savings by having to buy fewer batteries! Maybe I\’m not quite the spendthrift, after all.