
Putting Down the Hammer


Okay, carpenters, how about putting down the hammer for a while? Your arms need a break from all that jarring; and my ears need a break from all that pounding!

I’m afraid I’m none too good at putting down the hammer when I’m on the bike. This morning I tried to push the pace; and I didn’t do well at all. I averaged under 12 mph; and 13.1 miles isn’t even that long a ride. I wasn’t working on force development; and there wasn’t much wind. So what’s going on?

Am I overtrained? It seems unlikely. I’m not out there trying to force myself to cruise at 18-20 mph for hours every day; but even so, am I letting myself get too tired? Do I need to take a few days off?

My weight is now hovering between 101 and 105 pounds; and my road bike, with pedals

and under-saddle pack, weighs nearly 22 pounds. According to Lon Haldeman in Long Distance Cycling, page 61, a bicycle should weigh 12% of the rider’s weight; and for me, 22 pounds is a lot heavier than that! But I can’t afford a new bicycle right now; so I’ll keep using what I have.

Do I need to eat a little more? Are more protein drinks the answer; and would refried beans and rice make better pre-ride fuel than fruit and peanut butter?

I certainly need more sleep. Many an evening I get too absorbed in blogging, social media, and so on; and before I know it, it\’s already 9:00 pm!

Maybe tomorrow I\’ll make some short efforts at putting down the hammer; and I hope I won\’t be too cold to do it!