

Print or Kindle?

\"printWhich do you prefer: print, or Kindle? From the start, I included cycling-related books in my Shop. It took me over a year to get around to stocking their Kindle counterparts.

Personally, I much prefer the tactile sensations of holding a print book in my hands to reading something on a screen. I\’d rather have paper pages to leaf through, than to have to scroll up and down a screen, which my bothers my wrists.

But whether I like it or not, Kindle seems to the the now and future wave of reading. And Kindle does have the advantage of taking up a lot less room than a collection of print books. As long as you have a nook for storing your Kindle device, you\’re good to go.

On the other hand, drop  your Kindle device and it could be the equivalent of having your entire collection of print books burn up in a nanosecond. There\’s also the fact that electronics change rapidly. It is said that, by the time the \”new\” generation of any electronic device hits the store shelves, it\’s already obsolete. Who can keep up with that?

Any electronic device needs, well, electricity. What do you do when the power is out for more than a brief time? With print books, you don\’t need to worry about that; and you don\’t have pesky charging blocks and cables cluttering up your space.

Maybe someday I\’ll have a Kindle. Meanwhile, I\’m quite happy with good, old-fashioned BOOKS.