
Praise of Wasting Time

\"praiseIn praise of wasting time?! Since when is wasting time praise-worthy, you say?

As a rule, wasting time is frowned upon and, in fact, isn\’t a good idea. Time is little like lightning: once it\’s gone, it\’s gone; and we\’ll never get it back

But we also hear about down-time. Having every moment of the day scheduled to the hilt is, after all, very stressful. Some folks juggle a high-powered job; plus a family and all of their activities; and on and on. It makes me feel exhausted merely to think of it.

I\’m glad I can take some time to sit back and read; or listen to music; and write letters (REAL pen-and-paper letters); or simply let my mind wander where it will.

Sometimes that\’s when I get good blog ideas; and I must be constantly on the alert for blog ideas! Or I might be taking care of the mundane chore of washing dishes. If a blog idea strikes then, I have to get my hands out of the water; rinse and dry them; and write down the idea before I lose it!

Ergo don\’t be afraid to have a little unstructured time in your day. Let\’s hear some praise of wasting time! It might prove be the best-spent time of all!