



Post-holiday, namely the day after Thanksgiving, has some folks thinking Black Friday. Not I!

I can do without that madness; and with COVID-19 still running rampant, I don\’t want to be in crowds. Instead of hitting a big store, I hitched up the trailer and headed for the salvage store.

First I rooted through the grab-bag bins, and filled a small bag (price: $3.00). I made some great finds!

One was a large protein bar that still bore its original price sticker: $4.29. As I was able to fit 20 items into that grab bag, the savings on that one bar more than paid for the whole bag! ? I found a couple of Fit Crunch bars, too; and even an RXBar!

I laid in another pile of canned beans: black beans, pintos, kidney beans. I keep buying more canned stuff while I\’m able to go out and about. All the reports about COVID-19 have me thinking, What if I have to self-quarantine? I\’d better be prepared!

After I got my loot home and grabbed a snack, it was time for my latest culinary invention. Liltin\’ Limas has been on my mind for a long time, and having things nagging at my brain is tiresome. I figured I\’d better use up a few cans, too; all the more as I brought home a new load today!

This post-holiday doesn\’t feel like Friday; it feels like Saturday. That\’s what going to the salvage store does to my brain! I decided to hit the store today so I can do my long ride tomorrow. Last night I checked the long-term forecast; and it looks like tomorrow will be better for cycling than Sunday. I\’ll take a 50% chance of rain over a 90% chance any day!