I want popcorn! But why? Preparing it means an oily pot to clean up; and don\’t get me started about the hulls sticking between my teeth.
I\’m watching a YouTube about the destruction of Pompeii in 79 AD. It\’s a favorite subject of mine; but why does watching a video make me want popcorn? It\’s many and many a year since I last went to the movies! And did I even buy that snack then?
This food isn\’t bad as an off-bike snack. Oil-popped, it has about 55 calories per cup; and just over 6 grams of carbs. Air-popped, the count is 31 calories per cup. Of course, that\’s without the addition of butter and other caloric toppings. Sort of like with potatoes … hey, that\’s an idea. Popcorn with cheese and chives!
Popcorn wouldn\’t make good ride food, I\’m quite sure. It isn\’t sustaining enough for hours of pedaling; and I\’d have to cram my Camel-Bak full of it. Then what would I do for water?
These weird cravings hit now and then, and I don\’t know why. If anything, they seem worst when I\’m not hungry! So what\’s up?
Am I thirsty? Do I need to get up and get moving? Would green tea help? At the moment, I think I\’ll let hot chocolate go; I don\’t want to overshoot my carb count.
Or am I tired? I was up too late last night, I admit. Having two weeks off from work is spoiling me rotten. I can sleep until 8 am if I want to!
Whatever brought on this craving, I have to knock off other stuff and go wash the dishes. Thanks to my laziness in that matter, I have to leave laundry for tomorrow!