
Pomp and Circumstance

Pomp and Circumstance?

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Today I “graduated“; and that makes me think of Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1! Nobody handed me a diploma, though.

This morning I went for a post-lapiplasty follow-up. The podiatrist says everything looks great; and I don’t need an additional follow-up. I still have some swelling, but the doctor says it’s minor; that it will subside in time; and that many post-lapiplasty patients he’s seen have much more swelling six weeks after surgery than I do at the same time-mark. 

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The X-rays show that everything is going well; and the implant will continue to heal into the bone. The podiatrist was pleased that I’ve been able to remain active, even if I had to keep it to a low level; and he says I may do whatever I want now. So I can ride my bicycle more! In fact, I got home from my appointment and immediately went for a ride. I’m still using my hybrid, because the shoes I wear for riding the road bike are still a bit too snug for comfort.

I don’t need any special exercises for the toe, so that’s a good thing. Naturally I have more sense than to try plyometrics yet. If something jolts my foot, it doesn’t feel very comfortable; probably because there’s still a bit of swelling. When my foot is up to such impacts, I ought to try “plyo”.

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Get Fast! includes a plyo workout, beginning on page 83. Where I used to live, I was reluctant to do the exercises because that old building was raised; and any kind of jumping made the whole place shake and rattle.

I celebrated Pomp and Circumstance by getting Chinese take-out for lunch. It was enough for two meals, so I’ve saved half for supper. But do I need another ride to burn off lunch!