
Phase Two

Phase Two

phase two post surgery therapy new phase spokeasy blog post

Today began post-surgery Phase Two.

This morning I had my follow-up with the surgeon. It was a relief to get rid of that big, bulky dressing; and as an additional relief, there were no stitches to be removed. There are internal sutures; but they’ll dissolve over the next 4-6 weeks. The external incision is held closed by surgical tape that will gradually come off as the incision heals.

The next step is occupational therapy.  My appointment with the doctor got moved to morning; and I was able to see the OT this afternoon.

The biggest point is: Rest. That. Thumb. If any movement I make with that hand hurts, it’s too much; and I must back off. Naturally there’s post-operative swelling; and for the next two or three weeks I’ve got to be super careful. Even after that, I’m not allowed to lift more than a pound or two with my left hand.

Even the little movement I did at OT made my arm tired; and I mentioned putting the arm back in the sling for a bit. The OT says it’s OK to use it briefly; but also says — and I’ve noticed! — that using the sling makes the shoulder go out of line.

I may start moving my fingers, and my wrist; but no thumb movement except for the tip joint. I took along the thermoplast splint that the OT made for me some months ago; and they heated it up and refitted it. I can wear it in the shower; and it doesn’t hurt it to get wet. But still no left-hand soaping or shampooing.

Cycling is still several months away. I’ll keep pedaling the WattBikes®; at least my legs won’t get totally atrophied. But I hope I can figure out a way to pump up my bicycles’ tires one-handed!