

Perpetuum Mobile?


I think of perpetuum mobile when I\’m spinning in a low gear while battling a headwind. We cyclists might be said to be perpetual motion machines, anyway. We ride a lot; and our legs do a lot of moving! Hence perpetuum mobile.

When I ride, I work to minimize the coasting; and if you\’re on a fixed gear bike, so I\’ve read, you can\’t coast!

It\’s keep pedaling or stop moving; and that must take some getting used to. Especially when you\’re thoroughly accustomed to a freewheel. But it might be fun to be able to ride backwards!

Today was another trip to the salvage store; and I sure thought of perpetuum mobile while riding back home. I had a headwind of 16 mph to fight; and I was on my granny gear much of the time, pedaling fast. The trailer, of course, added to the wind resistance; not to mention its weight.

I\’ve become reluctant to go to the salvage store without that trailer, even though it often seems like a lot to drag along. I never know when I might make a good find; and sometimes it\’s too much for the panniers. Besides, I haven\’t quite shed my stock-up-while-I-can mentality of the pandemic; and in fact we still don\’t know what\’s coming with that. I don\’t think it\’s over yet.

It looks like the wind won\’t be as strong tomorrow, thank goodness. I\’m planning to shoot for 40 miles; and 20 miles against a headwind to get back home isn\’t fun. Maybe I could use a fairing; but how would that affect bicycle handling? And what about the added weight?

I think I\’ll skip the fairing. I\’ve got to think about cooking; laundry; and tomorrow\’s ride food!