

Out with the Old

\"outOut with the old! The old road bike chain, that is.  Seems quite fitting that I get a new bicycle chain on the verge of a new year, doesn\’t it?

Over the past week or two I noticed that, when I shifted cogs on my road bike, the shifting wasn\’t crisp. The chain hesitated before actually moving. That seemed weird. I began to think that this could mean the bike\’s chain needed replacing.

After this morning\’s ride, I measured the chain. Sure enough, it was time for a new one. So, off to the bike shop. I also suspected that the rear derailer might need adjusting.

I got the new chain. They didn\’t say that the derailer had anything wrong with it, but the did say that the pulleys were getting worn. Oh, bother. More expense. But maybe it\’s to be expected. I\’ve put 24,000+ miles on that bicycle.

I wish I could afford to \”out with the old\” all my leg warmers and shorts, and buy new ones. I also need to replace my second pair of cycling shoes. Unfortunately that\’s too much for a single visit to the shop.

People used to say that, what you do as the new year begins, you\’ll do all year. So I don\’t need to start 2020 by being a spendthrift!